
On the Loads on Multipurpose Laboratory Module Construction Elements During the Autonomous Flight Phase

Authors: Prut’ko A.A., Sumarokov A.V. Published: 12.04.2017
Published in issue: #2(113)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2017-2-123-138

Category: Aviation, Rocket and Space Engineering | Chapter: Dynamics, Ballistics, Flying Vehicle Motion Control  
Keywords: International Space Station, multipurpose laboratory module, Russian segment, eigenfrequencies, loads on construction, guidance, navigation and control system

This purpose of this work was to solve the task of estimating multipurpose laboratory module construction strength. Algorithms for calculating the loads on the solar array drive assembly are integrated into a closed motion simulation loop as part of the workstation of guidance, navigation and control system algorithms developer. In the modeling process on each computational cycle when the actuators (whose function is performed by jet engines) were working, we calculated the loads on solar battery drives. As a part of the stand we built the format for controlling the forces and moments acting on the solar array drive assembly as a result of the work of guidance, navigation and control system. Moreover, we managed to implement the control of critical load level excess.


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