
On Pointing of High Resolution Camera Mounted on the International Space Station using Biaxial Rotating Platform

Authors: Sumarokov A.V. Published: 12.08.2016
Published in issue: #4(109)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2016-4-85-97

Category: Aviation, Rocket and Space Engineering | Chapter: Dynamics, Ballistics, Flying Vehicle Motion Control  
Keywords: the International space station, space experiments, Napor-Mini RSA, pointing, the Earth remote sensing, biaxial pointing platform

This article describes an algorithm for calculating the parameters of biaxial revolving platform motion. This platform is mounted on the external surface of the International Space Station. It serves for pointing of the high resolution camera which is used for the Earth remote sensing. During video shooting the camera is continuously pointed at the point on the Earth surface with a given set of coordinates. The algorithm was applied during the space experiment "Napor-Mini RSA" at the International Space Station. This experiment was performed by Roscosmos together with the Canadian company UrtheCast. We provide a detailed solution 96escribeing the high resolution camera pointing. The algorithm efficiency is shown not only by the mathematical modeling but also by the Earth surface video shoots.


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