
Increased accuracy in determining the orbital parameters based on convolution operators application as a result of small interval GLONASS data processing

Authors: Antsev G.V., Lysenko L.N., Petrov V.A. Published: 12.10.2016
Published in issue: #5(110)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2016-5-99-110

Category: Aviation, Rocket and Space Engineering | Chapter: Dynamics, Ballistics, Flying Vehicle Motion Control  
Keywords: orbital parameters, filter monitoring interval, convolution assessment, combination of assessments, reduction factor dispersions

This paper describes the way to increase the accuracy of determining the orbital parameters for the spacecraft navigation. It is based on the small interval recurrent processing of GLONASS data. The approach implies the use of two-step version of information processing. The first step applies the analogue (non-discrete) filter with a finite memory assessing the convolution parameters according to the latest orbiting of the spacecraft (observation). The second step is a joint optimal processing (alignment) of the obtained convolution assessments by a discrete filter taking into account the selected transition matrix. For the illustrative purposes and to show the results with less complexity we considered only the case of circular orbits. To prove the efficiency of joint data processing for navigation results this article calculates reduction ratios for error variance causing secular drifts of orbits.


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