
Prototyping a Tablet-Based User Interface for the Manned Souyz MS Spacecraft

Authors: Korvyakov V.P. Published: 28.11.2017
Published in issue: #6(117)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2017-6-93-114

Category: Aviation, Rocket and Space Engineering | Chapter: Innovation Technologies in Aerospace Activity  
Keywords: tablet computer, user interface, spacecraft Souyz MS

The article resumes the work on integrating a mobile user interface based on a tablet computer into the control system of manned spacecraft. We consider various diagrams of implementing the information flow between a tablet and onboard systems of the manned Souyz MS vehicle and choose the optimum option. We describe a prototype graphical user interface we developed for the astronaut's tablet and compare it to the existing interface of the astronaut control panel installed in the lander. We list estimations of data transmission path characteristics


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