
Symmetric Control Systems

Authors: Diveev A.I., Sofronova Е.A. Published: 02.07.2021
Published in issue: #2(135)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2021-2-37-51

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Computing Systems and their Elements  
Keywords: optimal control, phase constraints, unimodality, control of group of robots, evolutionary algorithms

The paper focuses on the properties of symmetric control systems, whose distinctive feature is that the solution of the optimal control problem for an object, the mathematical model of which belongs to the class of symmetric control systems, leads to the solution of two problems. The first optimal control problem is the initial one; the result of its solution is a function that ensures the optimal movement of the object from the initial state to the terminal one. In the second problem, the terminal state is the initial state, and the initial state is the terminal state. The complexity of the problem being solved is due to the increase in dimension when the models of all objects of the group are included in the mathematical model of the object, as well as the emerging dynamic phase constraints. The presence of phase constraints in some cases leads to the target functional having several local extrema. A theorem is proved that under certain conditions the functional is not unimodal when controlling a group of objects belonging to the class of symmetric systems. A numerical example of solving the optimal control problem with phase constraints by the Adam gradient method and the evolutionary particle swarm method is given. In the example, a group of two symmetrical objects is used as a control object

This work was partially supported by the RSF under the project no. 19-11-00258 the FRС CSC RAS; the chapter "Search algorithms" was supported by the RFBR grant no. 19-08-01047-a


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