
Jamming Methods to Protect Stationary or Slow-Moving Objects

Authors: Vlasov K.V. Published: 02.08.2017
Published in issue: #4(115)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2017-4-79-87

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security  
Keywords: high-precision weapons, homing head, radioelectronic warfare, estimation of efficiency, deflecting countermeasures

The study tested the jamming algorithms and principles related to the field of radioelectronic warfare. The method examines the effectiveness of active and passive jamming against high-precision weapons to protect stationary and slow-moving objects. First, we carried out the analysis of open public sources and patents on existing methods and defense systems and substantiated the complex structure, which includes means of protection and means of reconnaissance and detection. Then, we found a method for protecting the complex in accordance with the proposed complex structure and developed general guidelines for jamming algorithms. Finally, we did an energy calculation based on the active homing head of the millimeter range.


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