
Assessment of the Thresholding Impact on Reliability of Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic using Statistical Approach

Authors: Basarab M.A., Sheluhin O.I., Konovalov I.A. Published: 01.10.2018
Published in issue: #5(122)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2018-5-56-67

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security  
Keywords: reliability of detection, anomaly, wavelet transform, wavelet coefficients, thresholding, statistical criteria

The study introduces a method based on statistical criteria with additional thresholding of detail wavelet coefficients for online anomaly detection in computer networks. Methods using statistical criteria are used in behavioral intrusion detection systems that detect deviations from a given profile of normal behavior. To calculate the decision statistics, the proposed method uses two sliding windows, which enables high efficiency of anomaly detection in computer networks. The paper considers the implementation of the decision statistics for the three criteria based on the sample mean and sample variance: F-test for means, Cochran --- Cox test and F-test for variance. To process the traffic using thresholding, an additional size-defined window is entered. The anomaly detection is performed by comparing the values of the decision statistics with the threshold calculated in accordance with the statistics of the normal traffic. To assess the impact of thresholding, such intrusions as UDP flood and ICMP flood are detected with and without using thresholding. The developed algorithm based on statistical analysis with additional thresholding of wavelet decomposition refinement coefficients allows for the improved reliability of anomaly detection in network traffic


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