
Generalised Quantum Hash Function and Secure One-Way Data Transmission

Authors: Zuev S.V. Published: 01.10.2018
Published in issue: #5(122)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2018-5-84-98

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security  
Keywords: quantum computing, quantum information, quantum hash function, secure data transmission

We designed a quantum (protocol) algorithm for secure one-way data transmission by means of generalising the concept of a quantum hash function. Data transmission over highly secure channels is among top priority issues of information security. The paper deals with the process of one-way message transmission using a single qubit. Since there appear more and more reports on practical application of single-particle state teleportation, our secure data transmission method may be implemented in the near future. We consider a situation when the sender can prepare and transmit a message via a sequence of single qubits. The receiver at the same time possesses ample computational resources for message decoding. This type of problems occurs, for example, when it is necessary to transmit a message keeping the source location secret. Theoretically a quantum channel makes it possible to transmit qubits anywhere, for example, into a computer centre, without compromising the source. Once the message is decoded in the computer centre, it can be transmitted further via conventional secure communication channels. We present the following, inclu-ding proofs where necessary: a quantum transmission and reception protocol, system requirements, and transmission accuracy evaluation


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