
Simulation of Umbilical Cable of Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle with Blender Game Engine Package

Authors: Gamazov N.I., Novikov V.I. Published: 28.05.2017
Published in issue: #3(114)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2017-3-47-64

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods, and Program Complexes  
Keywords: remotely operated underwater vehicle, simulator, umbilical cable, simulation, unwinding, winding, tangling, software, Blender Game Engine package, Python programming language

Developing a realistic computer model of the system, which consists of a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) and the umbilical cable connecting the ROV to the carrier vessel is necessary for developing a simulator for training ROV operators. The model should be able to reproduce a situation related to the water flow and ROV maneuvering (tangling, winding and unwinding of umbilical cable). Computer model of umbilical cable with small generating element, resistant to the phenomenon of sudden destruction, created with Blender Game Engine package (BGE), is provided. The model includes algorithms of element-wise cable winding and unwinding, and instant creation. We checked the adequacy of the model by comparing the steady-state configurations of the cable obtained by means of the given model with the static cable model. We also examined the problem of simulation long cables in the BGE package and the method of its solution.


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