
Automatic Synthesis of a Continuous Dynamic Stabilization System based on Artificial Neural Networks

Authors: Dotsenko A.V. Published: 10.09.2020
Published in issue: #3(132)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2020-3-66-83

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods, and Program Complexes  
Keywords: perceptron, control synthesis, genetic algorithm, supervised learning, dynamic system

The article considers an automated process of synthesising a continuous dynamic stabilization system based on multilayer neural networks. We propose a two-stage solution to the synthesis problem. The first stage involved generating the training dataset. It meant solving the optimum control problem for the dynamic system under consideration multiple times with various initial conditions. We derived optimum control for every initial condition as a function of object states. The second stage involved approximation of the training dataset we generated, which used a multilayer perceptron neural network. This perceptron represents a control unit that covers the entire initial condition space of the control object. The innovative aspect of our work is as follows: we reduced the synthesis problem to the approximation problem, that is, we sought a closed stabilising system by means of approximating the optimum controls obtained while minimising a functional of the integral type. The paper presents a numerical experiment in synthesising a stabilisation system for a track-laying robot. In order to test the stabilisation system synthesised, we consider initial conditions outside the training dataset and show how the system operates when externally perturbed


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