
Adaptive Approach to Implementation of Complex Simulation Systems

Authors: Gordin M.V., Ivanova G.S., Proletarsky A.V., Fetisov M.V. Published: 25.09.2022
Published in issue: #3(140)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2022-3-18-33

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Management in Organizational Systems  
Keywords: domain-specific programming language, problem-oriented programming language, manufacturing process simulation, simulation, domain, industry, simulation system, adaptive simulation system


The paper presents an approach potentially capable of implementing efficient import substitution in the field of modern software systems for simulating and designing manufacturing processes in various industries, as well as of compensating for the destruction of international connections that made it possible to build efficient labor division structures for developing modern software systems. To solve these problems, we propose to implement an adaptive simulation system than can adjust to different domains by means of considerable automation concerning development of domain-specific programming languages describing models in the relevant subject areas. We also propose to split development into the following competence and responsibility zones: developing an extensible core for the adaptive simulation system and shared language and visual (graphic) components; developing domain-specific extensions, which may include both language and visual (graphic) components; populating a specific extension with a database of industry standards; developing a manufacturing model specifically. Using a shared platform represented by the adaptive simulation system allows for reusing extensions from different domains so as to form complex simulations, resulting in possible technological breakthroughs at the juxtaposition of various industries. The paper also briefly describes certain risks associated with the implementation and maintenance of complex simulation systems in the Russian Federation. We consider alternatives to the solutions proposed

Please cite this article in English as:

Gordin M.V., Ivanova G.S., Proletarskiy A.V., et al. Adaptive approach to implementation of complex simulation systems. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2022, no. 3 (140), pp. 18--33 (in Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.18698/0236-3933-2022-3-18-33


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