
Leveraging Context Awareness in Designing Mobile E-Government

Authors: Agbozo E., Medvedev A.N. Published: 18.12.2020
Published in issue: #4(133)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2020-4-4-21

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Management in Organizational Systems  
Keywords: context-aware, e-government, ontological evaluation, PMJ model, cognitive computing, user experience

In the age of ubiquitous computing, smart systems, internet of things, and numerous modern technological advances in the smartphone world, context-aware programming has made progress within the past decade. Google's Awareness API is a great example of the available power to developers for optimizing user experience of mobile applications. Electronic Government (e-government) solutions, primarily mobile-based, which stand to gain maximum utility should integrate such innovations. This study, supported by the PMJ (Perception--Memory--Judgment) cognitive computing model, integrates context-aware models into e-government design in order to increase e-participation and user experience with respect to public service delivery. The study has employed the ontological evaluation technique which is a recommended non-empirical method of evaluating information systems. The purpose of using this technique is validating potency of the model in the real-world. The study conceptualizes the model and verifies it by the non-empirical technique of ontological evaluation using Protege. This study simulates a scenario using C# and illustrates the feasibility of the model by considering user-privacy and system health


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