
Tsunami Consequences Modelling and Risk Assessment by using GIS-Technologies

Authors: Larionov V.I., Aleksandrov A.A., Sushchev S.P. Published: 07.12.2018
Published in issue: #6(123)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2018-6-48-61

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing  
Keywords: geoinformational systems, tsunami, probabilistic approach, vulnerability functions, risk assessment

The paper focuses on application of geoinformational system (GIS) for risk assessment of tsunami consequences in coastal regions. The features of waves in different sea areas, i. e. in the open sea, in the shallow area and on the shoreline, were analysed. Various methods of assessment of tsunami consequences in coastal areas were investigated as well. The laws of shore infrastructure and effects on population were developed using computational method. The laws are accompanied with graphic interpretation. A scientific-methodological approach of estimation of tsunami risk and possible emergency situations caused by tsunami is presented. This approach is based on probabilistic investigation of two processes: influence of dangerous factors on the risk elements and elements' resistance towards this influence. The approach was developed using the result of investigation of earthquakes and floods' consequences. The example of Vladivostok territory zoning on exposure to 5-meter-high tsunami waves is given. The need of preparatory coast zoning due to the risk is explained


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