
Estimating Thermal Resistance of an Insulated Heat Sink for Semiconductor Power Devices

Authors: Kostikov V.G., Kostikov R.V., Gavrilin Ya.S., Shakhnov V.A. Published: 29.03.2021
Published in issue: #1(134)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2021-1-4-13

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Design and Instrument Engineering Technology and Electronic Equipment  
Keywords: semiconductor power devices, shared heat sink, thermal resistance, thermal conductivity equation

A shared heat sink plate is commonly used to cool closely spaced semiconductor power devices, its heat dissipation efficiency being determined by its thermal resistance. The paper considers the problem of determining the thermal resistance of a plate made of an insulating material for various positions of semiconductor devices on the plate. Solving the equations obtained yields results that make it possible to select the specifications for a heat sink designed to work with high-voltage semiconductor devices


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