
Thermoelastic losses in structural materials of wave solid-state gyroscope resonators

Authors: Lunin B.S. , Yurin A.V., Basarab M.A., Matveev V.A. , Chumankin E.A. Published: 14.04.2015
Published in issue: #2(101)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2015-2-28-39

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Navigation Instruments  
Keywords: wave solid-state gyroscope, resonator quality factor, thermoelastic losses, finite-element simulation

One of the key features of the resonators of wave solid-state gyros is their quality factor defining in many respects the instrument’s systematic and random errors. To enhance the resonator quality, it is necessary to take into consideration peculiar properties of different dissipative processes in design process. The contribution of these processes depends on the resonator material behaviour, its design, its surface processing quality, vacuum level in the instrument. Thermoelastic internal friction is a fundamental dissipative process. The influence of internal thermoelastic friction on the characteristics of resonators made of various materials is revealed by means of a thermoelastic processes model andfinite-element simulation. It is shown that internal thermoelastic friction in quartz glass is very small as compared to other structural materials. It permits to recommend quartz glass as a main structural material for wave solid-state gyroscope resonators.


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