
Using the Automatic Recognition Method in Problems of Technical State Control of Digital Imagery Optical-Electronic Complexes

Authors: Veselov Yu.G., Zaharchenko A.N., Ostrovskiy A.S. Published: 04.10.2014
Published in issue: #5(98)/2014  

Category: Informatics & Computing Technology  
Keywords: digital optoelectronic systems, imagery optical-electronic complexes, technical state control, strategy of operation, image quality indicators, statistical pattern recognition systems

In this paper the approach to adaptation of the operation strategy by state of digital optoelectronic systems and imagery optical-electronic complexes with the control of their parameters has been implemented. Assessment of their technical state is encouraged to implement based on the automatic recognition method of the statistical theory of pattern recognition (multialternative recognition of kinds of technical condition using jointly simultaneously estimated and controlled parameters), allowing to consider the application conditions and tasks for aerial surveys by forming adaptive standard descriptions. Evaluating the effectiveness of the recognition system of the technical state is carried out using analytical expression for an average probability of error detection; it is also used to assess the quality attributes and decision rules. The proposed approach could serve as a basis for the development of effective methods of interconnecting of digital imagery optoelectronic systems.


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