
Structural theory of optical and laser electronic systems. Part II. Model synthesis of system

Authors: Nemtinov V.B. Published: 13.04.2015
Published in issue: #3(35)/1999  

Category: Laser and opto-electronic systems  

The fundamentals of model synthesis for the generalised optical and laser electronic (OLE) system within the framework of connected graph of the object and theoretical models’ system are developed as the graph model windows. Pull model synthesis is capable of making essential progress in developing the scientific bases for up-to-date instrumental engineering. It is found that this complete model synthesis can be reduced to specifying the sequential-parallel graph model transitions both inside the windows and between them, and the synthesis consists of eight stages. Six first stages are simultaneously the stages of generalised engineering graph design method for OLE devices as design realisation of the complete model synthesis method for the OLE systems. It is shown that the model synthesis peculiarity for a specific system consists in constructing the realisation for the system of graph model windows prescribing the stages of designing, manufacturing and subsequent experimental research of the OLE instrumented devices. Four main model problems being the basis of structural design theory, are solved.