
MonoharmonicMethod of Autointegration with Full Averaging of Fourier Coefficients for Calculation of Frequency Response of Dynamic Objects and Control Systems

Authors: Belonogov O.B. Published: 19.12.2013
Published in issue: #4(93)/2013  

Category: Control Systems  
Keywords: frequency response, dynamic objects, control systems

The workability of a variant of the method for autointegration with full averaging of Fourier coefficients to calculate gain-phase characteristics of nonlinear dynamic objects and control systems with a specified error of calculations and for the minimum time is investigated. The proposed variant of the autointegration method is based on the numerical integration of systems of nonlinear differential equations of mathematical models of objects and control systems with monoharmonic input actions at fixed frequencies and on the analysis ofperiodic responses to these actions using the Fourier method. The integration process for each of the fixed frequencies continues until the Fourier coefficients of the investigated harmonic of the output periodic response of the dynamic object to the input monoharmonic action, which are averaged over the number of input signal periods that have elapsed, become constant enough.


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