
Algorithm of Active Damping of Elastic Oscillations of the International Space Station Construction

Authors: Timakov S.N., Zhirnov A.V. Published: 23.05.2014
Published in issue: #3(96)/2014  

Category: Control Systems  
Keywords: attitude control, active damping, adaptive observer, stability, convergence

At the present time the Russian segment thrusters are used for attitude maneuvers of the International Space Station (ISS). Since these thrusters operate in a pulse mode, each turning on and turning off induce oscillations of the ISS construction. As dimensions of the station increase and hence its stiffness reduces, these oscillations become significant and lead to exceeding the permissible loads. To solve this problem, active damping of the elastic oscillations using attitude control thrusters is proposed. The analysis of convergence of estimates in the identification algorithm is given, and problems ofstability of the active damping algorithm are considered.


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