
Optimal Nonlinear Guidance Based on the Algorithm of Multi-Criteria Synthesis of Multi-Program Position Control

Authors: Voronov E.M., Serov V.A., Spokoinyi I.A. Published: 23.05.2014
Published in issue: #3(96)/2014  

Category: Control Systems  
Keywords: multi-criteria synthesis, multi-program stabilization, multi-program position control, macro-variables, aggregated regulator, multi-criteria optimization, system of equations for anti-ship missile, nonlinear guidance method

Algorithmic fundamentals of the method for multi-criteria synthesis of multi-program position control are considered. The method has been obtained in the works by E.M. Voronov on the basis ofgeneralizing the approaches by VI. Zubov, N.V Smirnov, I.VSolovieva, and R.F. Gabasov regarding the formation of the multi-program position control components which stabilize the object trajectory with such a control with respect to a set of optimal program trajectories by imparting asymptotic properties to these trajectories within the finite time interval. The generalization consists in the method for finding the stabilizing components of multi-program position control that is based on synergetic approach for forming "attracting manifolds" by introduction of exponentially stable macro-variables of the method of aggregated regulators by A.A. Kolesnikov, as well as in providing the multi-criteria quality of program trajectories - asymptotes on the set of initial conditions. An example of using stable macro-variables to obtain the stabilizing components of position control of the linear non-stationary system is given. The algorithm of the method for multi-criteria synthesis of multi-program position control is applied for obtaining a structure of the optimal nonlinear guidance of the controlled object (anti-ship missile) and the multi-factor analysis of its properties. The multi-criteria optimality of guidance and its nonlinear structure improve the efficiency of target capture.


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