
About the Band Formula for the Solution of a Generalized Krylov Problem for Affine Dynamic System

Authors: Zubov N.E., Mikrin E.A., Misrikhanov M.Sh., Ryabchenko V.N. Published: 10.12.2014
Published in issue: #6(99)/2014  

Category: Navigational & Gyroscopic Systems  
Keywords: Hamilton-Cayley theorem and identity, right and left zero divisors for matrix, characteristic polynomial coefficients, generalized Krylov problem, band formula, non-linear affine system, spacecraft

The article describes the band formula that is obtained for the solution of a generalized Krylov problem by using the theorem and Cayley-Hamilton identity, definitions of right and left maximum rank zero divisors for the given matrix. It consists in finding the characteristic polynomial coefficients for nonlinear affine dynamic system. Numerical example of analytical calculation of characteristic polynomial coefficients is given for the control problem of longitudinal spacecraft ’s motion with use of slewings on entering the Earth atmosphere. In this case it is a non-linear affine system of the third order. The given calculation is made both for open- and closed-loop feedback control systems.


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