
Approximate analysis of dynamics of motion of thermal direction-finder deflector in the anti-scan mode

Authors: Kryzhanovskiy V.V., Levshin V.L., Bernikov B.O. Published: 11.06.2013
Published in issue: #1(90)/2013  

Category: Optics  
Keywords: deflector, anti-scanning mode, thermal direction finder, scanning mirror synchronization

An approximate theory of the deflector operation in the anti-scanning mode is set forth. Here a goal is pursued to use maximally the frame time for exposure of staring array of photodetector (included in the surveillance wide-band thermal direction finder) owing to the high operating speed of the small-size deflector with a mirror on the rotor and with an electromagnetic moment motor. The potential possibilities are revealed for the two-loop dynamic system with continuous motion of the force loop and with line-of-sight stops at the expense of the deflector that provides the asymmetric oscillations of the line-of-sight, which are in anti-phase with respect to the main loop.


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