
Technique for Structural Synthesis of Neurons-Converters of Analog- Digital Neural Network

Authors: Loktyukhin V.N., Antonenko A.V., Chelebaev S.V. Published: 19.12.2013
Published in issue: #4(93)/2013  

Category: Radio Electronics  
Keywords: analog-digital neural network, neural section, neuron-converter, operational device

A technique for structural synthesis of neuroelements with complex functions of activation at the coarse-grained level of representation of neural computers is presented. A multistage procedure for synthesis of neurons-converters is given, a functional neuron model as an aggregate of bit operations in the neural-network basis is considered. Basic logical (structural) schemes of neurons-converters are proposed in the form of operational devices. An example of synthesis of the "code-to-time interval" neural-network converter is given using the hardware description language for programmed logical chips. The proposed techniques and technologies can provide the substantial reduction in time period for development of neurons-converters.


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