
Stochastic Model of Signal Echoed from Surface in Near-zone Location

Authors: Khokhlov V.K., Gurkin R.V. Published: 03.05.2014
Published in issue: #3(60)/2005  

Category: Radio Electronics  

Energetic and stochastic models of a signal echoed from a located surface are considered under conditions of near-zone laser location. The located surface is specified as that of Lambert and situated at the distance from 5 to 10 m. The radiator and receiver are assumed to have monostatic circuits with effective angles of receiving and transmitting apertures from 1 to 3 degrees. The relations between echo and lidar parameters and a location angle are found with arbitrary positions of irregularities in the illumination spot. A way of forming channels for multi-channel adaptive algorithms of distance measurements is offered. Stochastic characteristics of amplitudes in channels characterizing a degree of their correlations are calculated. Relations between a coefficient of the partial initial regression of the channels amplitudes and parameters of orthogonal strobes are given. For specified lidar parameters the stochastic characteristics of amplitudes in channels are presented for a random approach angle. The obtained results may be used in synthesis of optimal and quasi-optimal algorithms of pulse signal processing.