
Development and Research of Optimal Technological Operations for Assembling Electronic Modules from the Same-Type Components at Flexible Automated Assembling Robotic Complexes in MultiNomenclature Production

Authors: Ivanov Yu.V. Published: 16.09.2014
Published in issue: #4(97)/2014  

Category: Design and technology  
Keywords: technological operation, process, structural and parametric optimization, effectiveness, integration, synthesis, reliability, productivity, cost

Methodology to design the robotic complexes for assembling electronic modules (flexible automated assembling complexes) involves the development of optimal technological and transport operations, taking into account the equipment configuration, probabilistic nature of assembly, adaptation of electronic module components to the assembly, automation of technological preparation. There is none of this in the existing practice. Here the methods are given for computer-aided design of optimal technological operations to assemble electronic modules from components of the same type with their structural and parametric optimization in the multi-nomenclature robotic production of flexible automated assembling complexes.


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