
Non-Destructive Method in Determining the Barley Grain Vitreousity

Авторы: Troshkin D.E., Chertov A.N., Gorbunova E.V., Meledina T.V., Sevastyanova L.V., Alekhin A.A. Опубликовано: 11.09.2021
Опубликовано в выпуске: #3(136)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2021-3-144-154

Раздел: Приборостроение, метрология и информационно-измерительные приборы и системы | Рубрика: Оптические и оптико-электронные приборы и комплексы  
Ключевые слова: machine vision, digital image, barley grain, vitreousity, uniformity

Possibilities of non-destructive express-evaluation of the barley grain vitreousity using machine vision and digital image processing methods were studied. The study was carried out with the proprietary design hardware and software complex on barley samples of three different varieties provided by the LLC "Nosters". Transmittance in the near IR wavelength range was used as the objective criterion in classifying grains as vitreous, partially vitreous and better use powdery. Classification group boundaries were determined empirically by the cross-section inspection method. The optimal filming mode was experimentally selected, and the algorithm for digital processing of grain images was developed in order to determine the number of better use powdery grains in a sample. In addition to classifying grains by vitreousity, the proposed approach also makes it possible to evaluate uniformity of a sample by this indicator and, thus, to identify a grain of higher quality. It was found out that grain orientation introduces an error of not more than 5 %, and high repeatability of the results and, as a consequence, accuracy of the algorithm are characterized by the variation coefficient of 1.1 %


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