
Laser photoacoustic analysis of complex gas mixtures

Authors: Gorodnichev V.A., Belov M.L., Fedotov Yu.V., Eremenko L.N. Published: 03.09.2015
Published in issue: #4(103)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2015-4-34-48

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Instrumentation and Methods to Control Environment, Substances, Materials, and Products  
Keywords: laser method, photoacoustics, complex gas mixtures, quantified gas analysis, Bayesian estimators

The paper considers the problem of estimating the gas components concentration by multispectral laser photoacoustic measurements of complex gas mixtures, where gas components exist, which are either without pronounced maximum within the absorption spectrum or with the concentrations, which are much less than those containing more other gas components. The paper describes both the mathematical simulation results and the experimental results obtained on the laboratory measurement setup based on the laser photo acoustic gas sensor. A comparative analysis of the processing methods for the gas concentration estimation is carried out using the data obtained by multispectral laser photoacoustic measurements. It is shown that in the case of complex gas mixtures the method based on Bayesian estimator for solving the equation of laser photoacoustic gas analysis provides the smallest error in reconstruction of the gas components.


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