
Analyzing Critical Parameters of the Attitude Gyro with the Rotor Residual Dynamic Imbalance

Authors: Shcheglova N.N. Published: 02.04.2024
Published in issue: #1(146)/2024  

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Navigation Instruments  
Keywords: floated gyro, gas-dynamic support stiffness, rotor dynamic imbalance, natural frequencies, critical stiffness, gyro passage to stop


The paper analyzes parameters of the attitude gyro on a gas-dynamic support with the rotor residual dynamic imbalance in the free gyro mode, as well as conditions and reasons causing the gyro unexpected passage to stop during the experiment. It was established that sharp increase in the forced oscillations amplitude of the gyro frames up to touching the stops could occur with simultaneous confluence of several unfavorable factors. These factors include decrease during operation in the stiffness coefficient of the gas-dynamic support to a critical point in case of the increasing rotor dynamic imbalance coefficient and filling the device with liquid with the reduced viscosity coefficient. Critical point of the gas-dynamic support stiffness coefficient was found for the nominal values of the rotor rotation angular velocity and the frame forced oscillations amplitude by the rotor dynamic imbalance. A relationship was obtained between critical values of the gas-dynamic support stiffness, which could wear out during the long-term continuous operation, and the rotor natural angular rotation velocity. Values of the rotor dynamic imbalance coefficient and the fluid viscosity coefficient were determined, for which the gyro frames oscillations amplitude would not exceed 10 arc in case of combining the gas-dynamic support stiffness value with the critical point

Please cite this article in English as:

Shcheglova N.N. Analyzing critical parameters of the attitude gyro with the rotor residual dynamic imbalance. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2024, no. 1 (146), pp. 57--73 (in Russ.). EDN: DFRFOR


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