
The Methodology of Automated Decryption of Znamenny Chants

Authors: Danshina M.V., Philippovich A.Yu. Published: 16.09.2014
Published in issue: #4(97)/2014  

Category: Informatics & Computing Technology  
Keywords: znamenny chant, musical information technologies, automation of decoding, statistical machine translation, language model, semiography, ancient musical manuscripts, representation of the chants

The paper presents the problems of the using information technology in the processing of ancient music manuscripts. The automated component methodology is proposed. It uses machine translation methods and allows to decoding hooked Znamenny notation chants into a linear notation. Basic stages of the methodology are described. To implement the stages of the methodology automated system of researching "Computer Semiography" has been developed and described. It consists of an input module chants in the database, view of manuscripts in electronic form, the creating of a linguistic model of ancient musical chants, model of translation, decoding of chants, music editor, allows user to play the resulting melodies and input module for chant and translation rules, that enables the user to implement their own research without reference to a particular manuscript. These web-services have been developed to assist researchers, historians and musicians to process a wide variety of musical manuscripts written in Znamenny notation.


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